cole creek

Cole Creek is a tributary to Royster Creek, which in turn supplies Big Creek Canal, a 303d listed stream in Tipton and Shelby Counties. The project reach had previously been channelized for agricultural purposes and was deeply incised with high, vertical banks. Because of the channel incision, the floodplain was only accessible during extreme flood events. Livestock grazing and clearing for agriculture left little to no riparian buffer. This combination of factors resulted in severe streambank erosion, which in turn led to increased sedimentation and loss of habitat both within the project reach as well as downstream. The primary goals of the project included reestablishing stability, improving local water quality, and restoring aquatic and riparian habitat. The restored channel dimension and bankfull bench will provide access to a floodprone area which will reduce flood velocities and prevent excessive scour and erosion while the reduction in sediment inputs and the use of instream structures will improve aquatic habitat and maintain a diversity of bedforms. Likewise, the restored native buffer will filter and capture sediment and further improve both aquatic and terrestrial habitat.

Service Area: South Hatchie Obion

Watershed: Loosahatchie

Project Length: 4,564 linear feet

Date of Completion: February 2006

Pre restoration

post restoration